
It is Sense of spinning of self or surrounding .
It has to be differentiated from dizziness and imbalance.
Vertigo can be due to cerebellar disorders/ vestibular nerve disorder / ear issues or migraine..
It can be managed with medicines and exercises

Is Vertigo a serious problem?

Vertigo is usually due to benign causes but sudden onset severe Vertigo can be due to Brain Stroke.

What is the treatment of Vertigo?

It depends upon cases but most Vertigo are managed with medicines & Exercises.

Can Vertigo recur?

Yes. Vertigo due to Migraine or positional Vertigo or Vertigo due to Ear causes may have recurrence.

Restless leg syndrome:

Urge to move legs due to pain or unpleasant sensation in legs which usually occurs at evening or night.

Usually it is due to iron deficiency, chronic kidney disease, pregnancy or sometimes familial..

Sometimes it remains undiagnosed for years due to lack of expertise, can be successfully cured/managed with medicines